Advokat Građansko pravo
Advokat Adnan Beganović - oblast građansko pravo
Advokatska kancelarija se bavi pružanjem pomoći savjete i zastupanju stranaka u sporovima iz oblasti privrednog prava pred Općinskim sudovima, Kantonalnim sudovima i Vrhovnim sudom u Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine , Osnovnim sudovima, Okružnim sudovima i Vrhovnim sudom Republike Srpske. Advokat građansko pravo
Sjedište advokatske kancelarije je u Mostaru , na adresi Zagrebačka broj 32.

Our Strategy
Our Related Services
Business Law
Professional help with financial, commercial, tax disputes and other complex business issues.
Civil Litigation
Your civil rights will be defended and represented on the highest level with the best outcome.
Frequently Asked Questions
We aim to support families in resolving their own disputes. We ensure professional consultancy and result.
Professional help with financial, commercial, tax disputes and other complex business issues.
Your civil rights will be defended and represented on the highest level with the best outcome.