Porodično pravo

Advokat Adnan Beganović - Porodično pravo

Porodično pravo je grana prava koja se bavi uređivanjem porodičnih odnosa koji nastaju između bračnih i vanbračnih partnera, između roditelja i djece i drugih srodnika po krvi i usvojenju, Advokatska kancelarija  se bavi pružanjem pravnih savjeta i zastupanjem stranaka u sporovima iz oblasti porodičnog prava . U sporove iz oblasti porodičnog prava spadaju sporovi radi razvoda i poništenja braka , sporovi radi podjele imovine stečene u braku ili vanbračnoj zajednici , sporovi radi utvrđivanja postojanja ili nepostojanja braka, sporovi radi utvrđivanja ili osporavanja materinstva ili očinstva

advokat porodično pravo

Pored navedenih sporova, u sporove iz oblasti porodičnog prava spadaju i sporovi o tome sa kojim će roditeljem dijete živjeti, o načinu održavanja osobnih odnosa i neposrednih kontakata djeteta sa drugim roditeljem i o roditeljskom staranju i sporovi o izdržavanju djeteta, bez obzira na to da li se rješavaju samostalno ili zajedno sa bračnim sporovima i sporovima o utvrđivanju materinstva i očinstva.

Our Strategy

We’re proud that our law firm offers top-notch legal services for a nationwide affordable pricing! With us you’ll never feel like the lawyers are just robbers in suits, besides, we win 98% of all cases. So with us, your chances of winning are as high as they possibly can be!



We are devoted to providing the legal profession reasonably priced, professional and court room experience attorneys in all types of civil cases.



We can provide qualified and experienced attorneys to you upon short notice for almost any court appearance, both civil and criminal.



We can find attorneys to handle depositions, inspections, trials and who can even help you write your documentation.

Our Related Services

Business Law

Professional help with financial, commercial, tax disputes and other complex business issues.

Civil Litigation

Your civil rights will be defended and represented on the highest level with the best outcome.

Frequently Asked Questions

We’re proud that our law firm offers top-notch legal services for a nationwide affordable pricing! With us you’ll never feel like the lawyers are just robbers in suits, besides, we win 98% of all cases. So with us, your chances of winning are as high as they possibly can be!
Insurance Defence

We aim to support families in resolving their own disputes. We ensure professional consultancy and result.


Professional help with financial, commercial, tax disputes and other complex business issues.

Finance Law

Your civil rights will be defended and represented on the highest level with the best outcome.

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